“Hi Tina. If you need to go to a hearing, I can come with you and do all the talking, which will keep things professional and non-emotional. I will give you a call and find out what the facts of the matter are. If you are looking for reinstatement, it’s always better to be represented in case you say something you regret! I will need some more details but on face value, looks like we can help.”
“Doesn’t look good for you, Xavier. Under the Fair Work Act 2009 there is a requirement that in order to make an unfair dismissal claim, you must have served a minimum employment period of 6 months. Give me a call on 9301 0850 and we’ll confirm a few more details to double check there are no more avenues to explore.”
“We understand, Jim. In fact, we are not lawyers but industrial agents with legal knowledge. In any case, let’s meet up and see if we can work out a success fee so your cash flow is not tied up at this tough time. We have a very high success rate so I am happy to carry the risk!”
Hi Sharon. If you were dismissed as a result of resignation but in reality the resignation was because you had no reasonable other choice, it is possible that The Fair Work Act may consider this to be a constructive dismissal. In other words, eliciting a resignation from an employee will not necessarily avert a subsequent claim for unfair dismissal. Sounds like you might have a case, let’s have a chat.”
“Unfortunately, not. The 21 day rule from the day your employment was terminated is very strict. It’s something that catches out a lot of people. Sorry Kirsten.”
“Bad news, Matt. Although there are medical grounds for extensions, they are provided very rarely in genuine and exceptional cases. Having the flu, for example, is not going to cut it. Sorry.”